World Day Against Death Penalty 2007

The World Coalition against the Death Penalty reaching out to support the two Kurdish journalists Hasanpoor and Butimar, both of whom are at risk of execution in Iran. Defend International marks the world Day against the death penalty and urges its members and friends to support the momentum to end capital punishment.


World Day Against Death Penalty 2007 

On the occasion of the World Day against the Death Penalty, the World Coalition against the Death Penalty organises a demonstration against the death penalty in Paris, in front of Iran embassy. The slogan of the demonstration is NO TO THE DEATH PENALTY.

There are discussions inside the UN highest political body regarding a resolution for a universal moratorium on death penalty. This is another important step toward abolishment of the death penalty everywhere. This initiative has until now gathered the support of 5 millions people worldwide. However the resolution will not be enough to prevent states from practicing death penalties, but it would carry a considerable moral weight.

Defend International marks the world Day against the death penalty and urges its members and friends to:

  • Contribute to diffuse a universal message in favour of abolition;
  • Support our campaign to save the lives of the two journalists: Hasanpour and Butimar;
  • Support the establishment of national and international coalitions against death penalty;
  • Push your country to ratify international treaties that prohibit it from using death penalty in all circumstances;
  • Ask your government to support the UN General Assembly resolution for a global moratorium;
  • Support the momentum to end capital punishment;
  • Spread the fact that death penalty is an act of revenge, not a process of justice.