With several existing partners, along with new partnerships, Defend International is on track to contribute to the building of inclusive communities.
We are pleased to inform our members and supporters that Cities of Migration is providing an opportunity to attend a webinar entitled Collaborating For Success: Refugee Training Programs Built with Industry Insights to learn about practical insights on how to build more collaborative approaches to workforce integration that leverage the insights and experiences of multiple stakeholders to achieve positive results.
The webinar will take place on:
Thursday, May 23, 2019
9:00 CDT in Chicago | 10:00 EDT in Toronto, New York | 11:00 ADT in Halifax, Moncton | 15:00 BST in London | 16:00 CEST in Berlin, Barcelona
The invitation reads: “Responding to refugee needs is not just the responsibility of governments and world leaders. Private sector employers are emerging as influential and critical leaders in developing, testing and sharing solutions that help refugees transition to employment and settle into their new communities. Recognizing refugee integration as a shared responsibility that can lead to more productive, collaborative approaches, turning a challenge into a win-win opportunity. Beyond corporate social responsibility, employers that recognize the experience, talents and skills many refugees bring to the workforce, will be in greater position to meet and respond to growing labour market needs.”
The speakers are (1) Merissa Preston, Partnership and Business Development (Toronto, Canada) (2) Edric Huang, Program Director, Emma’s Torch (New York, United States), and Moderator: Devon Franklin, HireImmigrants.
The speakers will discuss the successful models of employer leadership in providing refugees with meaningful employment. Learn how each organization is meeting skills and labour shortages through programs developed to aid and accelerate the transition of refugees into the workforce.
Hire Immigrants and Cities of Migration present Investing in Refugee Talent, a 3-part webinar series featuring good ideas on how to build employment programs that reflect industry needs while developing refugee skills.
Register here