2017 Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence

Defend International is asking its members and partners to mobilise during this year’s Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence, June 5-12.

This year NGOs around the globe are urging governments to do more on this topic when they gather at the United Nations in June 2018 for Review Conference 3.

Defend International appeals to its members, supporters and partners to participate in the week of action and make it a success.

Co-founder of Defend International, Dr. Widad Akreyi, reiterated DI members’ dedication to advocating for effective strategies to end gun violence once and for all. “In the face of the rising tensions and the widespread proliferation of small arms and light weapons, we call on everyone to join us to build conditions that will make world peace more likely. We all know that the road to building peace goes through ending conflicts and silencing the guns,” she said.


Take action on Global Week of Action!

  • Call for greater control of conventional weapons and stimulate discussion of national positions on key issues as States prepare for Review Conference 3.
  • If you live in the MENA region, urge your government officials to take serious steps to end illicit trade in small arms and light weapons.
  • Organise public events to raise awareness and mobilise public pressure on policy makers.
  • Write open letters, issue a press releases, organise a press conference, or arrange interviews to discuss these important issues.


Background Information

The Programme of Action on Illicit Arms Trade
In 2001, all Member States of the United Nations agreed to an important new framework for cooperation on small arms called the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (PoA). Under the PoA, Member States have agreed to improve national arms laws, import/export controls, and stockpile management, and to engage in cooperation and assistance.

International Tracing Instrument
The International Tracing Instrument was adopted in 2005. It requires States to mark weapons properly and to keep records. The instrument provides a framework for cooperation in weapons tracing – meeting one of the commitments States had made in the PoA. Improving tracing has become part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Goal 16.4).

Review Conferences
Every six years, a Review Conference is held at UN Headquarters in NYC to review the progress made in the implementation of the PoA and the ITI.

Review Conference 3
2018 will mark the third Review Conference (RevCon3), which is an important opportunity for Member States to strengthen efforts to reduce the proliferation and misuse of small arms.