Defend International is pleased to inform its members and supporters that an EdTech seminar on digital technologies in teaching and learning will take place from 15 to 18 October 2018 in Bled, Slovenia.
The four-day intensive program will provide an overview of the trends of digitalization in management education and how participants can use them to their institutions’ advantage.
The announcement reads “Digitalization in education is not about just shifting from pencil to screen, it’s about allowing students to truly enhance their learning and enabling management development institutions to deliver impactful learning experience in a more accessible and personalized way.”
The seminar is intended for decision-makers (deans, associate deans, directors), administrative and academic staff of management universities and business schools who would like to learn more about strategies, practices and tools for embedding digital technologies in teaching and learning.
“Digital technologies are at the heart of modern education systems, workplaces and learning environments, changing the way we teach and learn.”
The goal of this seminar is to help participants advance their knowledge, understanding, and fluency with digital learning trends, methods and tools.
Early bird deadline is September 1st. You can register to participate here!