Our colleagues at the Diversity Institute, in partnership with Future Skills Centre and Public Policy Forum, has developed the Skills Next series. The series explores what is working in workplaces, universities, and the labour market – and where workers are falling through the gaps in skills training system.
Skills Next
Economic Equality in A Changing World: Removing Barriers To Employment for Women
Action is needed to alleviate gender barriers: Good intentions are no longer enough. Despite efforts to improve diversity in the workplace, gender inequality remains both an issue of social justice and an equally compelling economic priority. Yet efforts to advance women’s economic inclusion continue to be hampered by the lack of access to information.
This report summarizes existing research and prevails issues surrounding gender inequality, including those exacerbated by COVID-19, and points to further research that needs to be done on initiatives to reduce gender inequalities.
Key Takeaways
1. The economic burden of COVID-19 weighs heavier on women. Women in dual-earning households have been more likely to lose their jobs as a result of the pandemic and less likely to recover them in early stimulus and re-hiring initiatives.
2. Women’s lack of economic empowerment costs the economy anywhere from 10 percent of GDP in advanced economies to over 30 percent in South Asia, the Middle East and North Africa
3. Higher education notwithstanding, Canada continues to have one of the highest gender wage gaps among Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) countries. Other issues also persist, like the underrepresentation of women (1) in STEM and (2) management positions and (3) women’s slow access to entrepreneurship and business ownership.”
To read the report, click here.