New Publication: Emerging Solutions for Gender Equality

The new report titled Emerging Solutions for Gender Equality 2018 provides an analysis of recent developments in the HeForShe Champions initiative. This initiative tackles gender inequalities in government, work, and academia. Each Champion is committed to achieving gender equality and this report provides updates on their progress and highlights their key achievements. This publication is packed with ideas turned into reality and shows that with a lot of work and commitment one can go a long way.

This report is published by UN Publications which publishes 400 new books every year that contain research covering the United Nations’ priorities, such as international peace and security, human rights, sustainable development, and more.


About The Book

The HeForShe Champions initiative confronts the gender inequalities faced in three key pillars of society: government, work and academia. Each Champion has made specific, stretching and measurable commitments towards achieving gender equality. This Report updates their progress over the past year, with hard data on gender representation and highlights of key achievements. This publication is packed with ideas turned into reality. It is a testament to the vision and hard work of everyone involved in the initiative.


Read it Online

To read the report online click on the photo below