Iran: Upholds Death Sentence For Kurdish activists

The two journliasts Hasanpoor and Butimar are facing death penalty for the second time.

Defend International expresses deepest concern regarding the confirmation of the death sentence of Mr. Hasanpoor and Mr. Butimar, as it appears to be directly aimed at sanctioning their activities in favour of human rights.


Iran: Upholds Death Sentence For Kurdish activists

Defend International

Defend International has been informed that an Iranian revolutionary court in the town of Marivan has sentenced the Kurdish activist Mr. Abdel Wahd (also known as Hiwa) Butimar to death for the second time after the supreme court quashed the original hanging verdict and ordered a new trial.

His lawyer, Mr. Saleh Nikbakht, has told a media representative that the court in western Kordestan province found the 29-year-old environmental activist guilty of “moharebeh” (being an enemy of god) and having ties to a Kurdish group. He added the court cited as evidence of guilt hundreds of bullets found in Butimar’s possession which he had recovered from an abandoned army camp in a Kordestan village when he was 14 years old. “The court gave its ruling regardless of the army’s official explanations,” said the lawyer. He has now 20 days to appeal the verdict against his client who has been in jail since December 2006.

In a separate ruling, the Supreme Court has quashed a death sentence against the 26-year-old journalist Mr. Adnan Hasanpoor accused of espionage and imprisoned since January 2007. Mr. Hasanpoor has denied any systematic ties with outlawed political groups, and he is awaiting a judiciary ruling for a retrial.

The death sentences of Hasanpoor and Butimar were condemned in Europe and raised the concern of press and human rights organisations worldwide.


DI Demands:

  • Defend International expresses deepest concern regarding the confirmation of the death sentence of Mr. Hasanpoor and Mr. Butimar, as it appears to be directly aimed at sanctioning their activities in favour of human rights.
  • We recall that numerous United Nations bodies, including the UN Human Rights Committee, the UN Committee Against Torture and the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, have called for the abolition of capital punishment.


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