Iran: 2 journalists facing death penalty

Kurdish Journalists Adnan Hasanpoor and Abdel Wahd (Hiwa) Butimar have allegedly been tortured and have reportedly received death penalties on July 17, 2007. According to the Iranian Revolutionary Court in Sanandaj their writings were aimed to topple the Islamic Republic of Iran.


Result of DI’s 1st Campaign & latest news:

  • On October 22, 2007, the Court quashed the decision of the Revolutionary Tribunal concerning Mr. Butimar, for procedural irregularities.
  • On the same day, the Iranian Supreme Court upheld the sentence to death of Mr. Hasanpoor.
  • On March 4, 2008 Defend International was informed by reliable sources that the execution of Mr. Hasanpoor has been halted.
  • On April 16, 2008 Defend International received information that the Iranian Revolutionary Court upheld death sentences for Mr. Hasanpoor and Mr. Butimar.
  • Defend International has launched its 3rd Urgent Appeal until Mr. Butimar and Mr. Hasanpoor are released.


Campaign Status: Closed


Names: Adnan Hasanpoor & Abdel Wahd Butimar

Sex: Male

Authorities: Iranian

Category: Death Penalty / Torture
The case:

The journalists Adnan Hasanpoor and Abdel Wahd Butimar, have allegedly been tortured and are reportedly facing imminent execution.

Mr. Hasanpoor, editor of the weekly Newspaper “Asso”, was reportedly captured on 25-1-2007, the Iranian authorities searched his home, confiscated his computer and several books. At that time the charges of which he was convicted were not known. He has reportedly spent several months in detention facilities where torture is practiced systematically.

Mr. Butimar, member of Mareewan Green Council for protecting environment, has been detained for several months as well.

On July 17, 2007 Mr. Hasanpoor and Mr. Butimar were sentenced to death by the Revolutionary Court in Sanandaj. According to the court their writings were aimed to topple the Islamic Republic of Iran.


DI Views:

The human rights situation in Iran has gotten worse in 2007. Torture and ill-treatment in detention is used to punish non-violent protesters and peaceful activists. Essentially press freedom and freedom of expression and opinion has been repressed systematically.

The government launches prolonged campaigns to silence critics: arbitrarily shutting down newspapers and magazines, imprisoning journalists, editors and intellectuals, and regularly calling editors and publishers before what can be called “the Press Court”. The highest punishment for a journalist is accusing him of publishing articles “aimed to overthrow the Islamic Republic of Iran”.

In 2003 the head of Tehran’s Revolutionary Court Mr. Ali Mobasheri promised “Tehran’s Revolutionary Court will spare no efforts in foiling any attempt to overthrow the Islamic government and will seriously deal with the offenders.”

The authorities block access to popular Internet websites that provide independent national and international news and analysis, and detain writers using this opportunity to disseminate information and analysis to public. Many journalists, writers and intellectuals have been forced to leave the country.

The Islamic Republic of Iran still is the largest prison in the Middle East for professional journalists.

Please copy the following appeals, add your signature and address and send them to arrive as soon as possible.

With thanks and appreciation

Defend International


نفس الحملة بالعربية

Heman kempin bi kurdi

To see DI’s 2nd Urgent Action for Hasanpoor & Butimar click here


His Excellency Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei,

The Office of the Supreme Leader
Shoahda Street, Qom,

Islamic Republic of Iran
Fax: +98 251 7774 2228



Your Excellency,

Herby I am expressing my concern that Adnan Hasanpoor and Abdel Wahd Butimar may be facing imminent execution. I call on you to halt the execution. I have my unconditional opposition to the death penalty, as the ultimate cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment and violation of the right to life.

Moreover I would like to express concern at reports that Adnan Hasanpoor and Abdel Wahd Butimar may have been tortured. I seek assurances that they are no longer at risk of torture or ill-treatment. I also seek assurances that they will be given access to their families and to all necessary medical care, outside the detention facility if necessary.

Furthermore I seek details of the specific charges against each man and details of trails that they have faced.

I hope for your urgent attention to this matter.

Respectfully yours,



His Excellency Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi
Ministry of Justice

Ministry of Justice Building

Panzdah-Khordad Square, Tehran

Islamic Republic of Iran
Fax: +98 21 3390 4986



Your Excellency,

Herby I am expressing my concern that Adnan Hasan Poor and Abdel Wahd Butimar may be facing imminent execution. I call on you to halt the execution. I have my unconditional opposition to the death penalty, as the ultimate cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment and violation of the right to life.

Moreover I would like to express concern at reports that Adnan Hasan Poor and Abdel Wahd Butimar may have been tortured. I seek assurances that they are no longer at risk of torture or ill-treatment. I also seek assurances that they will be given access to their families and to all necessary medical care, outside the detention facility if necessary.

Furthermore I seek details of the specific charges against each man and details of trails that they have faced.

I hope for your urgent attention to this matter.

Respectfully yours,



His Excellency Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
The Presidency, Palestine Avenue

Azerbaijan Intersection, Tehran

Islamic Republic of Iran



Your Excellency,

Herby I am expressing my concern that Adnan Hasan Poor and Abdel Wahd Butimar may be facing imminent execution. I call on you to halt the execution. I have my unconditional opposition to the death penalty, as the ultimate cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment and violation of the right to life.

Moreover I would like to express concern at reports that Adnan Hasan Poor and Abdel Wahd Butimar may have been tortured. I seek assurances that they are no longer at risk of torture or ill-treatment. I also seek assurances that they will be given access to their families and to all necessary medical care, outside the detention facility if necessary.

Furthermore I seek details of the specific charges against each man and details of trails that they have faced.

I hope for your urgent attention to this matter.

Respectfully yours,



Speaker of Parliament
His Excellency Gholamali Haddad Adel
Majles-e Shoura-ye Eslami,

Baharestan Square, Tehran,

Islamic Republic of Iran



Your Excellency,

Herby I am expressing my concern that Adnan Hasan Poor and Abdel Wahd Butimar may be facing imminent execution. I call on you to halt the execution. I have my unconditional opposition to the death penalty, as the ultimate cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment and violation of the right to life.

Moreover I would like to express concern at reports that Adnan Hasan Poor and Abdel Wahd Butimar may have been tortured. I seek assurances that they are no longer at risk of torture or ill-treatment. I also seek assurances that they will be given access to their families and to all necessary medical care, outside the detention facility if necessary.

Furthermore I seek details of the specific charges against each man and details of trails that they have faced.

I hope for your urgent attention to this matter.

Respectfully yours,



Irans Embassy

Drammensveien 88 E

N-0271 Oslo
Faks: +47 2255 4919



Your Excellency,

Herby I am expressing my concern that Adnan Hasan Poor and Abdel Wahd Butimar may be facing imminent execution. I call on you to halt the execution. I have my unconditional opposition to the death penalty, as the ultimate cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment and violation of the right to life.

Moreover I would like to express concern at reports that Adnan Hasan Poor and Abdel Wahd Butimar may have been tortured. I seek assurances that they are no longer at risk of torture or ill-treatment. I also seek assurances that they will be given access to their families and to all necessary medical care, outside the detention facility if necessary.

Furthermore I seek details of the specific charges against each man and details of trails that they have faced.

I hope for your urgent attention to this matter.

Respectfully yours,