Fostering climate action at the human level – What role for citizens in the Euro-Med

Join our colleagues at Friends of Europe and the Anna Lindh Foundation for an online debate “Fostering climate action at the human level – What role for citizens in the Euro-Med” on Thursday 24 November 2020 from 10:00 to 11:00 CEST.
Under discussion:
Citizens are central to spearheading climate action, not only in holding decision makers to account, but also through the many small actions in our everyday lives. From the food we eat to the way we travel; our seemingly small choices impact our consumption patterns on a much larger scale. However, this understanding is not a given. In the Euro-Med, people hold differing views as to who should be the driver on environmental sustainability and well as the best actions to be taken. In MENA, while 4 out of 10 people believe that civil society has a leading role to play, others state that governments and business are best placed to lead the way, according to IPSOS.
Key questions include:
  • As with the EU’s Climate Pact, how could EU supported international programmes contribute to climate education in the Euro-Med?
  • Could intercultural dialogue improve our understanding of citizens’ perception of climate action in different regions?
  • Could schools help unlock collective climate action with our households?
Garrette Clark, who works on Sustainable Lifestyles in the Consumption and Production Unit – Economy Division at UN Environment, will attend the debate will address the aforementioned questions.