Bahrain: New National Campaign Against Torture

DI member organisation: Bahrain Youth Society for Human Rights is launching a national campaign against torture in Bahrain.

Press Release received from

Bahrain Youth Society for Human Rights


Bahrain Youth Society for Human Rights organizes in the June 26, 2008 a national campaign against torture in Bahrain occasion of World Day for the Victims of Torture in coordination with a number of international human rights organizations.

And continue the campaign chose a name General (all against Torture) full year containing many of solidarity activities with torture victims from around the growing allegations of torture in prisons in Bahrain, which vary between actors campaign contributions from electronic sites, forums and blogs to inform people about torture And Support of Victims of Torture and provide protection to them through the media to expose practices that take place in prisons and many training courses on the Convention against Torture ratified by the Kingdom of Bahrain, and networking with civil society institutions and competent legislative institution.

The campaign aims to pass a law that bans torture, and the definition of torture in the legal literature in Bahrain and the demand to stop torture in prisons and prosecute those responsible for torture, and expose the immoral practices in human rights violations.

For more information contact the campaign team: