Defend International is pleased to inform its members and supporters that the 7th International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance Rejection (7th ICIAR) will be held from 15 to 18 May 2018 at Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Department of Psychology, Athens, Greece .
The 7th ICIAR will bring together experts from all over the world to discuss the current progress, development, new concepts, and advances in the field of interpersonal acceptance and rejection. Participants will be given the opportunity to expand their horizons and to envisage the future of interpersonal acceptance and rejection.
The President of the International Society on Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection, Dr. Artemis Giotsa, said that “The importance of interpersonal acceptance rejection in lifespan relationships is gradually being recognized by all. It includes issues such as parental acceptance-rejection, peer acceptance-rejection, acceptance-rejection in intimate relationships, parental alienation, loneliness, forgiveness, and fear of intimacy, among many other issues.”
“The Congress focuses on research and applied fields, combining interdisciplinary and cross-cultural approaches. During the international congress worldwide opinion-leaders, experts, researchers, and students coming from various cultural and geographical backgrounds will share their work in the areas of interpersonal acceptance-rejection, parental alienation, as well as clinical assessment and evaluation. Young scientists and advanced students are encouraged to present their recent findings through oral presentations or posters.”